Ari Gunzburg experienced trauma while only in grade school, when a teacher passed away while hiking in the woods on a field trip. After many difficult times, he got his "PhD" from the school of hard knocks, through a series of bad decisions, all while figuring out the answers to life, the universe, and everything (got a towel?).

After a decade-long career in marketing, branding, websites and more, Ari is now focused on helping others learn more about themselves and the world around them. Of course, when giving speeches the focus is on helping people - helping kids make better decisions, and helping adults get more out of life. Ari is happily married and raising four young children of his own, all while motivating people everywhere with his keynotes, motivational speeches and workshops.

Follow on Instagram @arigunz and check out Ari's website

Ari Gunzburg has hosted 18 Episodes.