Episode 002
Grit, Grace, & Change w/ Tahverlee (002)
September 23rd, 2019
1 hr 3 mins 23 secs
About this Episode
Tahverlee shares so much of herself in this episode of the Way To Greatness. Learn more about Tahverlee and the things she does, and the troubles she has faced - and how she has continued to persevere despite it all.
Show Highlights
3:09 - [Ari] That sounds like a real blessing. It takes a village to raise a child and many people nowadays forget that.
3:30 - [Tahverlee] I've been in the non-profit sector, working with charities and non-profits organizations, locally and globally, for more than 15 years. I actually got into it just from a job I had at the time.....and I started to see that, wow, as a business, we can invest a little into our community, and not only does it change the community, but it felt good!
4:51 - [Tahverlee] My company, I've actually switched to the other side of the table, I started working with businesses to help them navigate how they are going to invest in the community.
5:38 - [Tahverlee] And so at the end of 2017 I hung my own shingle, and here I am, helping businesses really navigate their community partnerships. And I still love it, cause it still at the end of the day is helping more non-profits reach more people, and that is really what lights me up.
6:29 - [Tahverlee] And we solidified a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that specific grant was to address a trilateral relationship between a city in the United States, a city in China, and a city in Nairobi. And Denver, because it has so many sister cities, we were really able to utilize our sister city relationships at various levels, both government, business and community, to come together to tackle this big project in Nairobi.
9:18 - [Ari] You mentioned before that you are a change maker. What is an example of you being a change maker?
10:33 - [Tahverlee] But then when I read the stats, of how many female business owners never succeed, I thought, okay, I need to get this information to all those other women. It took me 6 months, and a lot of hard work, and frustration...but I ended up finishing 2018 with more than 40 episodes published with some amazing women.
11:58 - [Tahverlee] In my particular case I've experienced so much change, you know, part of it is from the fact that I've had 12 major surgeries, I have half of the organs that I was born with, I have children that have had significant health issues in their life, I have faced infidelity in a marriage that ended....my children's father, that relationship ended because of infidelity.
13:08 - [Tahverlee] Accepting change like that, it means not accepting the change. It means making the change what you want it to be.
13:48 - [Tahverlee] When your norm is disrupted, there's a lot of people around that aren't sure about that, and so I think that the biggest change that always happens is in your relationships.
16:59 - [Tahverlee] I would like to say that truly starting a business is like the greatest personal awareness journey you will go on in your life, because there is not a team of people around you to help you. I mean, I had help, I was able to ask questions, but when you start your own business, you're living and dying by your own sword.
19:52 - [Ari] Of this journey, what would you say is either the absolute best part of it, or one of the best parts of it?
22:27 - [Tahverlee] I would say that most people, if they are making not the best decisions, it is because there are things that are weighing heavy on them.
24:04 - [Tahverlee] When you come across someone who is not having a really good day, instead of reacting in kind, like reacting with negativity back, just take a breath, think of what you can maybe do to make their day a little better.
24:34 - [Ari] A lot of people maybe don't realize, that it doesn't take a lot. You can do just a tiny little thing, a hug, a hand on the arm, a smile, a word of encouragement, and it will have an effect. It will brighten their day.
29:43 - [Tahverlee] The more time you spend dwelling on what went wrong, the less time you're spending on seeing the next door that will open. One closes, one opens, every single time.
32:13 - [Tahverlee] I live like that. Every single day I wake up just grateful.
36:50 - [Ari] I'm not interested in the interview that you're giving 10 other people. I want the unique, authentic interview.
38:42 - [Ari] Learning is part of living, and if you're learning, you're still living. Keep that attitude of learning is living!
39:13 - [Tahverlee on success and greatness] For me, I think greatness is bravery. You know? Being brave. Because it doesn't matter whether it is personal, or business, or relationships, or family, or being an entrepreneur, or starting a podcast, because being brave means getting knocked on your tushy and then getting right back up.
42:26 - [Tahverlee] But the truth is, that's not real. Life always changes. There is no one person who is listening to this, or you and I, who is going to have the rest of their life where nothing changes. That is not reality. That is not our human experience on earth. Things change.
44:05 - [Tahverlee] I started competing in strongman last year...
48:11 - [Ari] You had mentioned Krav Maga earlier as well. How did you get into that?
51:13 - [Ari] Your podcast, Grit & Grace. What's that podcast all about?
59:28 - [Tahverlee on gratitude] But I know that it makes me feel like I can handle the crazy of the day.
About Tahverlee
Tahverlee Anglen has spent her career working with nonprofits to develop meaningful programs that have significant impact in our communities and business in a wide array of industries. She has developed and implemented projects from small community organizations, to international trade programs, through partnership development and collaboration. She is a true change-maker at heart!
This is her passion and she brings it to every aspect of her life. You will find her volunteering, advocating and standing behind meaningful organizations that move the needle toward positive change. When not putting plans in place to change the world, you can find her teaching Krav Maga, or training in strength sports (Strongman) and is a mom to two kiddos and one furry baby.
Tahverlee is also the founder of the growing podcast, Grit and Grace. She is excited to be sharing her entrepreneurial journey with listeners on her show, Grit and Grace, which will include many other girl boss guests who will bring their wisdom and discuss how grit and grace are the key aspects to finding balance, staying the course and using life’s challenges as the building blocks to success.
Tahverlee's Social Media
Original interview date 03/28/2019
Episode Links
- Grit & Grace Podcast — Tahverlee's podcast, Grit & Grace.
- Corporate Cause Agency — the company discussed on the show.
- Strongman Competitions — other orgs offer similar competitions.
- Krav Maga International — main site for krav maga.
- How to Win Friends & Influence People — by Dale Carnegie
- How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less — book (on Amazon).